According to the ultrasound I was 7 weeks and 5 days at the time of the appointment. This pushed up my estimated due date to April 10. As of this appointment (4 days ago), the embryo was 14.5 mm.
A lot is changing with me. Not necessarily my body, but my emotions. Mood swings are a new daily visitor. Yesterday we watched, "The Perfect Storm." I cried for nearly 5 minutes at the end. We are not talking a weepy cry. We're talking a cry from the gut as if I had personally known the characters in the movie. To me, nothing could have been more tragic at that very moment.
The other day we were walking to the gym. At the intersection a crossing guard was there to help us on our way. While waiting at the corner, a fire engine's siren began to blare in the background. The crossing guard walked into flowing traffic and stopped the cars so that the fire truck could get by quickly and without a worry. After the truck had passed, Lar and I walked across the street. I asked Larry if he thought it was as cool as I did that the guard walked into traffic. He responded that the guard was a, "hero." Right then and there I started crying. I was overwhelmed with gratitude and emotion for the crossing guard who made it just a little easier for the fire truck to get to their destination and possibly save a life.
Also, don't get me hungry. If I go more than a few hours without a bite I get snappy.
Whereas I am a mixed bag of emotions, my husband is an ANGEL. He is doing a great job keeping me calm, fed and constantly telling me that I am beautiful. Thank goodness for him and his ability to keep me grounded.
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