Monday, August 31, 2009

Tired With a Chance of Smell Aversion

I am in my 8th week of pregnancy and have to say that I have been relatively lucky when it comes to nausea, food aversions, or other symptoms that can plague women in their first trimester. The most difficult thing for me is the exhaustion. Between 2 - 5 pm my world stops and I must take a nap. I generally don't have another option, it just is the way it is.

The newest addition in my arsenal of oddities are aversions to certain smells. I have heard and read about women who cannot do chicken or certain foods. I have friends who had to get rid of all the scented candles in their house. However, until now I have never heard of an aversion so crazy as my own.

In fact, I have two aversions. The first is not so bad. I simply cannot stand the smell of Benihana Restaurant. When I walk by or if I walk inside I have to get out of the vicinity immediately. The second aversion is more difficult. I actually didn't put two and two together about why it was happening until last night. I honestly thought it was just a problem.

My second aversion is my husband. I cannot stand his smell right now. I find this remarkably interesting because under non pregnant circumstances his scent is the most wonderful delight. Suddenly, I can tell when he walks into a room by his smell. The thing is, he does not smell like body odor. It is just a new smell. He hasn't changed anything, yet it is difficult for me to be around him. This is not all the time, but sometimes it is unbearable.

The hardest thing was telling him about it last night. I felt so bad, especially because he may have the best hygiene of any human I have ever met. Long story short, we came to realize that this aversion was due to my pregnancy. Luckily the internet played a hand in helping us realize that it isn't him at all. Just my nose playing tricks on me. This article about the Scent of a Man, was a God send.

After we found that other women have this same aversion we decided to do a couple of scent filled experiments. He placed a scented candle under my nose and I could barely smell it. Next was some lotion. I couldn't smell it at all. In fact, it seems that my sense of smell is not heightened but diminished. I would say that wonderful smells have become less prominent, maybe allowing for less pleasant smells to become more distinguishable. Weird right?

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